Birth Plan or No Birth Plan?


Writing a birth plan for a lot of people can feel like a pointless task and something that is not important. We often hear people say ‘what’s the point?’ or ‘everything will go out of the window on the day’.

As you may or may not know our organization delivers hypnobirthing courses and one of things we cover during the ‘Wise Hippo’ course is the importance of writing a birth plan.

Writing a birth is an opportunity to make the medical team aware of what’s important to you on the day which can largely influence your birth experience.

Have a watch of the following video below to see what Lucy (our mental health nurse and hypnobirthing instructor) has to say about writing a birth plan and why she thinks its important.

For alot of ladies they say what's the point of writing a birth plan as it will all go out of the window on the day anyway! We say, there is absolutely every...