Posts tagged Pregnancy
My Mental Health & Being Mum

At Relax With Lucy & Co, we love to hear stories from real people and we were kindly given permission from the lovely Tania Taylor to share her very emotional, touching story of how motherhood impacted on her mental health. Keep reading to hear Tania’s story below.

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Hypnobirthing Breathing Techniques For Birth

Your body is very clever, when you feel anxious, your body tenses and tightens. This means that all of your muscles, including the muscles in your uterus tense up. When this happens, it can largely impact on your body’s ability to birth at its best. Tension also increases pain in the body so this can actually make your experience of labour much more intense. Using the breath as an anchor helps to relax the mind and when the mind is relaxed, the body has no choice but to follow.

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How Hypnobirthing Helped Us!

As a mental health nurse, I was always very aware of the powerful link between mind and body so it was only natural that when I fell pregnant, I wanted to look into ways in which I could work with my mind and reduce my anxieties as I knew just how much anxiety had a direct impact on the body during birth.

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How Can Dad Support Mum During Pregnancy & Labour?

When I fell pregnant with my daughter, my husband was overjoyed. Any pregnancy is a scary time for any parent whether its your first or third baby. One of my husband’s concerns was the fear of not knowing how to support me during my pregnancy and labour, keep on reading to find out what happened next.

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