Have You Lost Your Motivation To Coddiwomple?

Coddiwomple is an old English slang verb meaning “to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.” Wonderful isn’t it?

I believe we are all Coddiwomplers at heart; we set off on our respective journeys in life with a vague idea of where we want to be. Occasionally those paths can become tougher than we expected and we lose our way.

However, there are numerous techniques and exercises we can do for ourselves to reset our compasses. These are just two that help me

1.   Rekindle your Motivation Mojo

 This is great for when our energy levels fall and we get the “I can’t be bothereds

Take a moment to sit quietly and let your breath settle. Then think of a time when you were so excited about a particular goal that nothing could stop you completing it. Let that feeling grow bigger & brighter, brighter &  bigger so that it fills you with tingly excitement. Sit with it for a moment, let those feelings wash over you until you feel fit to burst!

Now, “borrow” that feeling and bring it with you back into the present and allow your current task to become bigger & brighter, brighter & bigger until you can’t imagine it not being finished.

What level is your Motivation Mojo now?

2.  Cop a load of confidence!

Are you feeling rather overwhelmed with what’s in front of you? Those horrible nagging thoughts of “I can’t do this” are paying an unwanted visit?  This is a great exercise to get rid of those unwanted visitors.

Grab a pen and a good-sized piece of paper or perhaps your Journal (and a cuppa, that helps too!) Take a moment to sit and steady your breath, just to centre yourself and bring your awareness within.

Now pick up your pen and make a list of EVERYTHING you have achieved in your life. Remember how you felt when you achieved these goals? Remember how confident you felt? Isn’t it a great feeling! Let it fill your entire Self.

As before, “borrow” that feeling and bring it with you back into the present and allow it to filter into your task ahead. YOU CAN DO IT!

Where is your confidence level now?

Happy Coddiwompling!

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"Wendy Jennings, also known as The Coddiwomple Lady is a Life Coach and author of the book "From Cancer To Coddiwomple - A Story of Love, Loss and Daring to Dream". Sje specialises in helping others discover their Purpose in life, especially after experiencing Loss or Bereavement.

Helping you turn those initial stumbling blocks into large stepping stones!"

You can find out more about her here