Posts tagged Self-help
Can You Say Yes To Happiness - Nine Practical Steps You Can Take To Make It Really Happen

There is an old saying that nothing is inherently good or bad—what makes it one or the other, is merely your reaction to it. Find the positive and you will be happier. Those who soar against all odds, do so because they look at the positive that could come out of their situation, however bad it may seem to others.

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I Am Enough!

For years I have skirted around this statement and have stepped so many times closer to it, but not resting there permanently. Its been this goal that would allow itself to be held in my fingers for a short time and eventually would slip through them like butter that has melted and won’t return to the solid-state.

The quest for anything takes time and patience and the one foot in front of the other mantra, the desire to get to where you want to go has to be strong enough for you to keep going when the going gets tough. I have the Billy Ocean song playing in my head now!!!

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My Mental Health & Being Mum

At Relax With Lucy & Co, we love to hear stories from real people and we were kindly given permission from the lovely Tania Taylor to share her very emotional, touching story of how motherhood impacted on her mental health. Keep reading to hear Tania’s story below.

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