How Hypnobirthing Helped Us!

As a mental health nurse, I was always very aware of the powerful link between mind and body so it was only natural that when I fell pregnant, I wanted to look into ways in which I could work with my mind and reduce my anxieties as I knew just how much anxiety had a direct impact on the body during birth.


I looked into accessing a course and myself and my husband signed up straight away. We chose to do the Wise Hippo Hypnobirthing Course and we have never looked back.  Let me highlight that a hypnobirthing isn’t about being ‘hypnotised’ during birth. A hypnobirthing course does use hypnosis however all it is really is just deep relaxation. It works by relaxing your body and your mind and while in this relaxed state, positive messages about birth are able to become absorbed in your mind which in turn reduces any anxiety and negative beliefs about birth. Its really very effective!

This course focuses on birth being ‘the right birth on the day’. This means it doesn’t  have to be all natural, its purely about seeing birth as a positive event and one to look forward to. It combines real medical evidence with techniques that have been taught over many years to help couples achieve a birth that is positive and one to remember for all of the right reasons. It really was an amazing course and from the first session, we instantly felt less anxious and absolutely on the right path to birth our baby.

I wanted to share the amazing benefits hypnobirthing brought to this birth as I am passionate that everyone should look into hypnobirthing and want to help ladies feel empowered. Here is our birth story with Isaac.


It was Father’s Day and I was scheduled in for an appointment at the hospital to check baby. We drove to the hospital and it was lovely and relaxed seen as it was a Sunday. The hospital was a forty-minute drive away from our home, so this was an anxiety provoking thought for me, as I was worried I would go into labour during rush hour and it would affect my relaxed state of mind.

When we arrived, we were seen straight away which was great as we didn’t have to wait and there was hardly no people in the waiting room too. The midwife examined me and to her surprise I was 6cm dilated already. As it was Father’s Day, she asked rick what he had got…. he replied nothing. She then said well you will be getting a baby by the end of the day.

I could not believe how far gone I was and I had not realised. I had been having surges (contractions) on and off over a couple of days but nothing more than light cramping. Sometimes more intense and other times not but comfortable and manageable either way.

I could not believe this, it was perfect. We had packed all the bags and taken them with us with snacks just in case they decided to keep me in, as I had gone three days over my due date. The midwife told me she would arrange a room for us. My husband made some phone calls to family and I relaxed to my hypnobirthing tracks in the room feeling calm and in control. I was so excited to meet our boy and I felt ready for the birth.

We were shown into our room, it was on the consultant led unit as I have a heart condition and so had to be managed on there. My midwife asked why I was on that unit as my notes all pointed towards me having a normal delivery. She was aware of hypnobirthing and wanted to help make my birth as relaxed as possible. She advised she would speak to the midwives on the midwife led unit and ask if I could go on there.


Me and my husband did not think I would be able to go on that unit however she returned, advised us to pack up our belongings as she had managed to get us a room on the MLU. She even said she had us a room with a pool. I nearly cried with excitement as I never thought I would be able to get a pool.

We arrived, we met our wonderful midwife on that unit and we settled down. My husband helped me prepare the room. We stuck pictures up of my birth affirmations, of my dog teddy and of relaxing images. We used our lavender diffuser and played relaxing music. Rick was an amazing birth partner and he knew exactly what his role was on the day. Part of the hypnobirthing teaches all about the birthing environment and birth partners role. Its about the both of you coming together as a team and working together.

As time progressed I managed my surges beautifully, using clary sage, breathing, relaxing and eating lots of chocolate brownies. I refused my first examination as I wanted to allow my body to progress without knowing how far along I was. As a little time progressed I made the decision to have another examination and to have my waters broken.

Part of the hypnobirthing is being able to listen to your body but to also make informed choices when you feel and the team feel they will be beneficial. We made the decision for the midwifes to intervene to help give baby a nudge in the right direction.

I stayed relaxed and calm the whole way through and rick supported me as my surges became more intense and I laboured in the water. I requested that minimal monitoring was carried out during my labour. As per policy the team checked baby’s heart rate as I laboured. They advised they could see the head however baby’s heart rate was dropping so they felt it would be better to move me to another bay where the doctors were present to ensure a team was available to keep my baby safe.

Despite all of this sounding worrying as I type, I remained calm and relaxed at the time, allowing the team to intervene as we felt it would be beneficial. The hypnobirthing enabled me to do this and to ensure I remained emotionally calm to have the right birth on the day.

I arrived to where the doctors were however I was able to work with both my baby and my body to guide our baby down, the doctors did not need to intervene, and I delivered my baby naturally.

Rick was supportive all the way, guiding me to work with my breathe and even ensuring my relaxing music still played through my speaker as I moved to a different ward. He did this, so I could still labour to the music anchors I had chosen, and Isaac was born to the most relaxing music.

I had written a birth plan as per hypnobirthing guidance and planned for pre and post birth. I had wanted to deliver my placenta naturally which my body did beautifully, and I had wanted both skin to skin for me and my husband which we achieved. After the blood had stopped pulsating from the cord, rick cut the cord just like we had planned, and we marvelled at just how amazing the whole experience had been and what a Father’s Day!


I had not set out to not use any pain relief however I didn’t use any because I simply did not need it. Hypnobirthing is an amazing tool and I am confident to teach the course as I know hand on my heart that it works. It enables you to stay calm and relaxed no matter what turn your birthing takes and gives you tools for life. I can’t wait to give birth again and feel euphoric about the birth that we achieved for myself, rick, and our beautiful son Isaac.

I am now 37 weeks pregnant with another little boy and everyday wishing it will happen as I am so excited. If you are interested in hypnobirthing, our organisation Relax With Lucy & Co teach hypnobirthing courses.

It's a tricky time at the moment with the pandemic situation and we understand that many people are not able to financially able to do courses so that's why we offer ours at a noticeably reduced price in addition to using all our proceeds to fund other projects. We are hoping one day to offer these courses fully funded.
These are four week courses, one two hour session every Saturday morning delivered over zoom for you and your birth partner from the comfort of your own home.

Breaking that down that's actually only £25 for two people each week for a two hour session which is a bargain we think. There is an a final payment of £20 for your book which is something we buy from our Hypnobirthing provider so we can't change that.

Here is the course content and what we cover

Session 1

The Picture of Childbirth today

Defining Hypnosis

Acknowledging Pain

The Physiology of Birth and the Impact of Fear

Mind & Body connection

The Impact of Others

Taking charge of your thoughts

Session 2

Relaxation – the antidote to fear

Positions for Relaxation

Remember to Breathe


Time Distortion


Birth Partners Script

Establishing a practice routine

Session 3

Prenatal bonding

Choosing where to have your baby

Choosing who will be with you

Natural nudges of encouragement

Interventions explained

Writing your birth plan and making your birth choices

Physical preparations for birth

Fear release session

Session 4

Soothing strokes and the power of positive touch

Positions for birth

Ligaments and pelvis

Humming your baby down – birthing your baby

Birth partner’s role

Using the techniques during labour

When baby arrives

Sea of Serenity – Birth Hypnosis session.

I hope my birth story has been able to help you feel empowered that you CAN have a positive birth experience.

We have been been able to help so many people so far and we are hoping to help many more with our Hypnobirthing courses, if you or someone else you know would benefit from our courses, please get in touch!

Have a wonderful birth experience and most of all make it positive!

Visit Relax With Lucy to book your Hypnobirth!




