Research: Meditation During Breastfeeding Found to Improve Babies Growth

We were recently contacted to contribute to a very exciting piece of research carried out by the University College of London. We were asked to write and produce a breastfeeding meditation recording they could use to research the benefits of meditation when breastfeeding.

Sarah Dib, an academic at University College London is currently looking at the effect of a breastfeeding meditation on maternal stress but also milk hormones and composition and infant growth and behaviour. There was a previous study done in Malaysia carried out by one of her colleagues which showed that meditation improved the growth of the baby, lowered mother’s stress levels, and increased the fat content in the milk. She is now replicating the study in the UK and in premature babies.

As strong advocates of meditation and its benefits, we were keen to offer our skills and time to contribute to this important piece of research.

New mums are often overwhelmed by how much time breastfeeding can consume, time spent feeding throughout the day and at night is something that can feel overwhelming and stressful. It can be easy to scroll through social media or watch TV while breastfeeding but this time can be used as an opportunity to de-stress and relax. Its a perfect time to listen to a meditation track, focus on the moment and reduce any built up stress and tension that has built up. It’s the ideal setup for meditation and deep connection with your baby.

You can find our free breastfeeding meditation track here

Let us know how you find it!