Grief Doesn't Care What Day It Is

'Grief doesn't care what day it is'

Grief has no rules, no set day, no limits, its raw, it's ugly and it bloody hurts.

Some people expect you to just move on from loss, to get back on with what you were doing before in the same way, as the same person, unchanged .. this is an unrealistic expectation as it's just not possible.

Grief changes us in so many ways.

Sometimes talking to family members or friends can be okay but actually talking to people you don't know personally but who understand you because they too walk in similar shoes can help.

No expectations.

Just space to be you with all of who you are now...

The Ellie's gift app is a free baby loss support app to help support people during and following baby loss.

We have a new community space coming soon where parents can connect with others parents no matter what time of day in a safe and confidential space.

Keep following and be ready to download the Ellie's Gift relaunch soon..