The World Doesnt Stop for Your Grief - Do You Want to Help?

Unfortunately the world doesn't stop when we are suffering. Grief is not talked about very much and there seems to be this expectation that people can just 'get on' with it...or 'pull themselves together'...well the reality is that this just isn't true...

You take as long as you need!

And even when you feel able to get back to some kind of new normal... expect there will be times when it hits...and wow it can hit hard...

Showing compassion and kindness is the way forward here ..kindness for ourselves...and kindness and compassion from others...

Baby loss is affecting people all around the world and people are suffering...

It doesn't matter how far into a pregnancy you were...every loss is valid!

We have developed the Ellie's Gift baby loss app that is free, is being advocated by the NHS and has been developed to support families during baby loss and after loss.

We know from our research that connecting with others who know what it's like to experience loss in this way, is so helpful after loss.

So we are redeveloping our app to offer more support so we can help just a little bit to ease some of this suffering.

If your interested in helping us please contact us, drop us a message or email


Lucy, Michelle & Rachel