Your Relaxing Place

We love the relaxing place visualisation. It involves using your imagination and imagining a place that you find to be very relaxing. We teach this visualisation across both our meditation sessions and hypnobirthing sessions and its so effective in helping people to relax and lessen anxiety, especially if they find themselves somewhere they don’t want to be or somewhere they find to be anxiety provoking.

How does it work?

It works by using your imagination which in turn triggers a flurry of responses in the body inclusive of your feel good hormone response which helps to promote relaxation.

Your relaxing place can be anywhere you choose, as long as its somewhere you find relaxing. We encourage our mums and dads to use this visualisation when in labour as it helps to distract mums away from the present moment and to spend time in between their surges in a relaxing place which helps to promote relaxation.

Its a really effective technique and it can be done anywhere at anytime. Our meditation instructor Lucy takes you through a really simple meditation exercise which includes a wonderful relaxing place visualisation, have a go and see how you find it…..

Where is your relaxing place?